Testosterone replacement

Why Too Much Exercise Can Work Against Your Testosterone According to TRT Melbourne Doctors?

It is natural for athletes to strive so hard in their workout routines in the hope of enhancing their physical performance. However, it is wrong to think that pushing themselves to the limits and training more will benefit them.

When it comes to working out, doing more is not always good, at least with respect to your testosterone. What do we mean to say by this? 

Intense physical training might backfire on you. If that happens, it may compromise your body’s ability to perform well. Physical activity like working out will break down your muscles, repair them, and then you need to rest awhile. Too much activity and not giving your body enough time to rest and recuperate can lead to “overtraining syndrome.”

What is Overtraining Syndrome? 

According to TRT Melbourne endocrinologists, the overtraining syndrome is defined as “significantly poor response to an exercise regimen done rigorously but without appropriate rest, causing disruptions in numerous bodily systems (endocrine, neurologic, immunologic) that combine with alterations in mood. Thus, the overtraining syndrome can have a detrimental effect not just on performance but also on immune system work, hormonal, and mental health. 

health and wellness

How can we know if we’re pushing ourselves too much in training? Some indicators will help us determine this, such as the rapid decline in performance, lethargy for no apparent reason, and difficulty sleeping. However, repeated vigorous exercise without enough rest has been proven to induce a significant decrease in testosterone.

How Much Testosterone Does a Male Human Body Need? 

This applies to both men and women. Testosterone (T) is classified as a steroid hormone that can be found in high concentrations in our bodies. The pinnacle of a man’s T levels occurs in his late 30s, following which they start to drop by 1-2 percent every year for the rest of his life. In the case of women, their testosterone is significantly lower than men’s. 

While testosterone levels fluctuate depending on factors such as age, gender, and physical fitness, the following are typical guidelines:

Men have testosterone levels ranging from 348 to 1197 ng/dL.

For women between the ages of 18 and 49, the range is 8 to 48 ng/dL; for women over 50, the range is 3-41 ng/dL.

Depending on how low your testosterone levels are, your attending physician or an experienced urologist may offer you some suitable intervention programs to help you boost your T-levels, such as modification of your training, nutrition, or sometimes just your lifestyle. 

The Importance of Testosterone in Athletic Performance?

The scientific TRT Melbourne community has been telling us time and again that testosterone is responsible for the development and maintenance of both muscle mass and strength. Optimal quantities of this hormone are of paramount importance to the development and maintenance of bone density. If our bodies lack calcium, it runs the risk of rendering our bones fragile and flimsy. 

When testosterone concentration is at an all-time low and cortisol levels soar high, your body will compensate for it by breaking down muscles and make use of their proteins for energy production. 

men's health

When it comes to the maintenance of the body’s energy, testosterone has a key role to play here, too. This means saying that this hormone (testosterone) can help your system feel more energized throughout workouts and exercises, and boost your endurance while at it. 

Finally, testosterone can also help in heightening brain activity. This has something to do with learning and memory, which is important for athletes in the sense that they need to pick up new workout routines in a snap. Therefore, if you have low T, the odds are high that you are performing far below your real potential.

Our Takeaway 

You can enhance your testosterone naturally if your levels are low beyond the standard. An important first step is to provide enough time to recover after a rigorous physical activity like exercise, and then an ample amount of time for sound sleep.

The decision about having a workout training plan depends on your intensity and duration of workouts, so follow your body’s cues. Getting adequate sleep so that your body can repair the damage that occurs while training is critical.

Finally, keep an eye on your diet. In particular, take note of your pre-workout meals and post-workout snacks. And if you are uncertain whether you are a running candidate for low T, TRT Melbourne doctors and urologists suggest that you have yourself tested first. Blood testing is necessary here to determine if there are any hormonal abnormalities in your system. 

If your blood tests affirm low T and it keeps you from enjoying the quality of life you want to have, treatment options based on your lifestyle can be suggested by your attending physician. This may be a lifetime commitment, just in case. 


Why Too Much Exercise Can Work Against Your Testosterone According to TRT Melbourne Doctors? Read More »

What TRT Sydney Doctors Say is the Missing Link Between Sleep Deprivation and Low Testosterone?

Have you been exhausted all day? Every day? Not into sex? How about your concentration ability, isn’t it how it used to be? Maybe because you’re not getting enough sleep? Alternatively, you could have low testosterone or low T. However, is it possible that your T-level is low as a result of sleep deprivation? Yes, according to some research headed by TRT Sydney doctors.

TRT Sydney Doctors

While the relationship between sleep problems and low testosterone levels may appear improbable, health professionals see plausible grounds to believe so. And focusing on one may benefit the other.

At George Washington University, endocrinologists (doctors who specialize in the glands and hormones of the endocrine system) believe that lack of sleep has been related to lower testosterone levels.

According to a review of testosterone and sleep research published in the February 2012 issue of the journal “Sleep”, peak testosterone production occurs during sleep. Therefore, if you are sleep-deprived, you are also denying yourself valuable testosterone production time.

And, while sleep deprivation promotes the diminishing of your testosterone levels, it would seem that low testosterone levels — also known as hypogonadism — may play a part in insomnia. 

This is with respect to the assessment of researchers who investigated hypogonadism symptoms in a batch of male patients with cancer. They made their findings public in the Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia, and Muscle (September 2012 issue). 


There are also clear indications that low testosterone could be associated with poor sleep quality and shorter deep sleep cycles. Cortisol levels rise as testosterone concentrations go down, according to researchers. Cortisol gets in the way of quality sleep because it promotes alertness. Thus, you tend to experience shallower and shorter sleep. This is about a review made and published by the Sleep journal, released in February 2012. 

Now, as per the American Urological Association, another indicated symptom of low testosterone is when you feel constant lethargy if you feel tired and exhausted all the time for no apparent reason. 

Poor Sleep and Low Testosterone Condition

According to TRT Sydney medical professionals, there are ways to break the cycle of insufficient sleep and low testosterone. When you increase the number of your sleep hours, parallel to that, you will also subsequently improve testosterone running in your system. 

Testosterone levels surge shortly after you begin sleeping more. This report was supported by Clinical Endocrinology in February 2015 regarding the impact of “catch-up” sleep on the male human body. The advantage comes from increasing the number of hours spent in deep sleep.

However, treating men with obstructive sleep apnea with a CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure machine didn’t even appear to enhance testosterone levels, according to a review of the effects of seven independent research involving 232 adult men.

The research was published in the December 2014 issue of the journal PLoS One. Additionally, part of their observation also is that testosterone replacement therapy may not have a direct influence on the quality of sleep. 

 Rather than that, focus on addressing the underlying reasons for low testosterone and inadequate sleep, such as obesity. According to published research in 2014, striving to improve the quality of sleep is a better and more effective strategy as opposed to simply treating the low-T condition. 

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy Cost: Is It A Factor That Keeps You From Availing This Treatment?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy Cost

Testosterone replacement therapy cost is probably one of the many reasons that an individual considers if he is planning to avail of this kind of hormone replacement therapy or HRT. The demand for TRT in Australia nowadays is at an all-time high, and this makes for us opportune time to shed light on this aspect of this hormone treatment which most of the time is catered to men.

Just recently, you have been noticing yourself you are getting slow, low, and stressed out. And this is giving you the hunch that you may be a running candidate for TRT Sydney, but you are kind of worrying about what is going to happen or what is coming next if you need to undergo this hormone procedure.

When you have come to terms with identifying and then appropriate treatment for low T symptoms have been called for, it can give you an overwhelming feeling, let alone if you can afford the out-of-pocket expenses that normally go along with it.

It is such a relief to know that the choice between your complete recovery from an inadequate amount of testosterone in your body and bank balance is not one of the many things that you need to make.

Running Costs for Testosterone Replacement Therapy

There is no definitive amount when it comes to the cost of testosterone replacement therapy because this will vary from case to case. The cost of the treatment will largely depend upon the severity of the symptoms a patient is having, the longevity of the required treatment, dosage, and type. Put in as well if your health insurance provider will agree in covering the partial amount of expenses or all your prescription and lab costs.

costs on trt therapy

Since TRT in Australia is most often a long-term engagement, you must know exactly what you are indeed trying to sign-up for. With that you also need to know exactly how much you are going to pay for — just before you proceed on taking the next steps ahead.

Testosterone replacement therapy expenses can be summed up into the following:

Lab and Blood Work

Specialists for hormone replacement therapy specialize in the treatments they are offering with respect to your body’s exact needs. This necessitates you to submit yourself and undergo an array of blood tests. As of this writing, the running costs would begin from $1,500 sans the financial assistance of a health insurance company.  

The price of the treatment is indeed an important factor, but if you are mulling on the thought of undergoing this HRT, you should not qualify it as one of your deciding elements.  

Medical Services

Normally, if your laboratory results have been evaluated, the clinic hormone specialist will work on it so he can present you with a custom plan for treatment specifically formulated for your body and its systems. Should you decide to give it a go, annual program fees may apply and for the first year, this may range from $1200 to $1750. The fees are likely to take a drop of around $500 per year thereafter.

Other hormone facilities may charge you with a monthly fee instead. This may start from $150 to $250 every single month or equivalent to $1800 to $3000 per annum. While the annual fee is likely to go down after the lapse of the first year, the other hormone services may carry on with the same fee, year after year.

Costs of Medication

In the absence of proper health coverage, prescription hormones will cost you anywhere around $25 to $70 every single month.

Depending on the kind of administered treatment, providing a more accurate estimate will become a lot easier. This will include testosterone therapy treatment, adrenal and thyroid treatment, estrogen blockers, and hCG/clomid treatment.

If you happen to have come across a TRT clinic that is closely associated with compounding pharmacies, there is a good chance you can get a significant amount of discounts.

This may include:

  • TRT Injections:
  • Costing around $25 to $35 per month
  • Compounded testosterone high potency creams
  • May cost around $20 to $30 per month
  • Compounded high potency TRT sublingual troches 
  • May cost around $20 to $30 per month
  • HCG injections 
  • This could run at $40 to $80 per month
  • Necessary oral prescriptions 
  • This may cost you anywhere from $10 to $30 per month

Adding It All Up

When you combine the cost of laboratory exams, medical services, plus medications and supplements, your anticipated expenses can run in an average anywhere between $1,650 to $3,200. Such amount would be for the first year alone, in the subsequent years, it will be around $700 to $1500 every year thereafter. The projected testosterone replacement therapy cost can be impacted by insurance prescription coverage and its extent.

If you are uncertain whether you are a likely candidate for TRT Australia, the best course of action you can take here is to submit yourself to a qualified TRT doctor for proper procedure. In addition, he is also the most qualified to address your questions and can help clear whatever doubts or misgivings you may have regarding TRT in general.

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