surgical procedure

What Important Role Does Water Jet Cutting Processes in Surgical Procedures?

Several sectors in our modern society have been enjoying the benefits of the waterjet cutting process for quite some time now. The vast majority of organizations that are involved in the manufacturing and fabricating space have seen the potential of waterjet cutting and have taken advantage of it for their various industrial cutting, cleaning and drilling requirements.

But today,  things are changing, taking a 360 degree turn for waterjet machines because the medical field has now found a place to make good use of it.  Waterjet technology applications can now be seen in medical rooms particularly in wound cleaning, dentistry, and many other surgical operations. Waterjet techniques, over the years, have evolved and developed to become what we now consider as a groundbreaking cutting tool. There are now many different types of application for this technology in medical surgery.

The water jet machine is going to be moved in a line to allow for the application of the pressure and the cut. If there is something about waterjet incision that can be considered as its key benefit, it would have to be its level of precision. Waterjet cutting precision is  high enough to the point that makes it comparable to the quality of cut that only laser cutter machines are capable of delivering. But the good thing about it is that waterjet incisions are not likely to bring about any kind of thermal damage to the tissues that are being separated and this is attributed to its coolant ability.  Add to this, waterjet machines can also clean and wash away blood. This takes away the need for an additional extra tool to help get the job done.

A great performing waterjet machining process will be highly dependent on the  water pressure coming out of the jet together with the skin’s elastic properties. The highest impact would be the initial impact itself and this can be achieved the moment that the waterjet hits the skin tissue. After which, the water can be expected to flow radially, which will inevitably reduce the impact of the jet.

Waterjet in surgical wound debridement

Amongst the most practical applications of waterjet technology in the medical world is its important role in surgical wound debridement. It also served as a good alternative for surgical excisional techniques applied primarily for burn wounds.  A study has shown that relevant waterjet technology can efficiently debride wounds from superficial partial thickness down to mid-dermal partial thickness wounds to help prepare the affected area for the subsequent Biobrane placement.

In 2007, a study about a particular brand of waterjet surgical tool was made and it made an in-depth review of how versatile the said equipment was when it comes to the treatment of deep and indeterminate neck and face burns. The very same study also made an important affirmation. The highly predictable depth of debridement is attainable by making some needed tweaks on the apparatus settings.

surgery instruments

Waterjet Incision and Other Procedures

The integration of waterjet technology to a number of surgical procedures was first carried out in 1982 for resectioning procedure for liver. In the years that followed, it came to a point that it became fully recognized in various areas of surgical procedure.

Clinically speaking, this technology is utilized primarily for cutting soft tissues which would include liver tissues. It is also taken advantage of in experimental procedures involving spleen dissection, brain tissue, and kidney tissue. These tissues are cut at low water pressures, whereas bone and bone cement are cut at a much stronger, higher water pressures.


With a given surgical operation characteristics, a relevant mathematical  model can help an awful lot in calculating optimal operating conditions for debridement, surgical cutting or drilling.

Surgeons will be able to choose the right size of nozzle to use together with the right parameters for the waterjet instrument, from velocity, power, and finally pressure. The next step after this is the evaluation on the results of the study. This measure will help in creating a broad simulation model  for the surgical procedure to be done, like for instance Caesarian section procedure. 

When it comes to the water jet cutting machine process, there seems to be a lot to be hopeful about it. Not just in the medical world, but as of this writing further progress has been made about its use and application in many different areas of interest such as  aeronautics, manufacturing, and architecture. It is clear to see that this technology is ushering these sectors to further development and growth.
